Let us now transition…
Oftentimes, it is a shift, crack, or break in our own respective lens that allows us to transition and see another person’s perspective.

Interestingly enough, this transition only occurs through the flowing of our very own tears.

Ironically, despite having a newly broken, cracked, or shifted lens, we begin to see things with much more clarity, compassion, and creativity.

This is the great irony of our “little-t truths” that we live as individuals.

But it is the Capital-T Truth – that Truth under which we ALL live collectively – that allows us to shift from independence and indifference…to interdependence and making a difference… to sympathy… and ultimately to empathy.

Through a new lens, we now have…

Empathy: to understand with compassion;

Empathy: to accept another’s truth as the Capital-T Truth;

Empathy: to not only tolerate and accept, but to actually embrace and empower.

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