CAPT Tom Abernethy, USN (Ret.)



(plus processing fee)


Welcome to the Washington DC Chapter of the NNOA. We hope you will join us on the journey to improve diversity and inclusion of the Sea Services. Feel free to review our journey for 2020 through 2021 (HERE)


Meeting Location:

Since 2020, our meetings have been virtual via Zoom UFN. The link is provided via email by our chapter Secretary.

Navy League Building, 2300 Wilson Blvd, First Floor, Arlington, VA 22201

Chapter General Meetings:
3rd Tuesday – Monthly – 1830

Executive Board Meetings:
1st Tuesday – Monthly – 1830


Mailing Address:
PO Box 30784
Alexandria, VA 22310


Need to contact a DCNNOA board member?  Email us and let us know how we can assist you.



The 2024 Scholarship Application is CLOSED until March 2025!

Applications were due May 24, 2024.

A complete list of DCNNOA’s scholarship recipients is available here.

For more information on our annual scholarship program, the following file shows our 2023 scholarship recipients. In this file, we are pleased to share our historical value of scholarships, donors and banquet celebrations over the years.

The Scholarship Program Chairman is LCDR Stephen Williams, USN (Retired) who can be reached via email at stephen.b.williams10.civ@us.navy.mil. Please include CDR Rich Borden, USN (Retired) rab94usa@gmail.com on all scholarship emails to the Chairman.


On Friday, July 12, 2024, longtime DCNNOA / NNOA member Commander Elisha Sumbler, SC, USN and current Vice President of the DCNNOA Chapter officially retired from the United States Navy during a ceremony at The Club Andrews at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland.  Commander Sumbler is retiring after 29 years of Naval Service.  The Presiding Officer for Commander Sumbler’s ceremony was Colonel Melissa Chestnut, USMC.  Guest speaker for the ceremony was Tahmika Ruth Jackson, Foreign Service Officer for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).  Commander Sumbler earned her BA degree in Criminal Justice from Clark Atlanta University and earned her commission through the Morehouse College NROTC in January 2000.  She earned her MBA- Petroleum Management from the University of Kansas in May 2012.  She is also a graduate of the Joint Forces Staff College and the University of Virginia Darden School of Business Executive Education Program.
Fair Winds and Following Seas are forwarded to Commander Sumbler and her family from her friends and colleagues at DCNNOA / NNOA as they sail off to new horizons.  Best Wishes and Bravo Zulu for your outstanding service to the nation and the United States Navy!
Attached are a few photos from Commander Sumbler’s Retirement Ceremony for your viewing pleasure.  Enjoy!
On Sunday, November 12, 2023 longtime NNOA / DCNNOA member CAPT (Ret) Cynthia Miller, USN was the Special Guest Speaker for the Northwood-Appold United Methodist Church in Baltimore, Maryland Veterans Day Celebration Service.  CAPT (Ret)  Miller provided the congregation members and guests with an inspiring speech on the value of Veterans service to the nation and the origin of the Veterans Day holiday.  Liturgist for the service was Colonel (Ret) Joy Napper, USA.  NNOA member CAPT (Ret) Marvin Jones, USN provided a stirring introduction of CAPT (Ret) Miller and provided the congregation with the history and symbolism of the POW table during the reception after the service.  CAPT (Ret) Shirley Bowens, USN also an NNOA member provided a background brief on the Veterans” Health and Wellness Foundation which were co-sponsors of the celebration service.  Members of the Naval Sea Cadets from Annapolis, Maryland provided the Color Guard for the celebration service.
Following the celebration service Reverend Doctor Kevin A. Slayton, Sr. Pastor of the Northwood-Appold United Methodist Church and the congregation members held a reception with refreshments in the church reception hall for all in attendance.  A number of Veteran Service Organizations and Community Service activities also had information booths set-up in the reception hall.  A truly great time was had by all (smile).
At the end of this page are a few photographs from the event for your viewing pleasure.  Enjoy!
On Friday November 10, 2023 the Washington, DC Chapter of the National Naval Officers Association (DCNNOA) conducted its Annual Veterans Day visit to the Washington, DC Veterans Hospital.  Fifteen (15) Chapter members and friends spent the morning meeting, greeting and thanking numerous veterans receiving medical care at the hospital for their service to the nation.  The Chapter members also provided the veterans with numerous gifts that included socks, knit caps, gloves and leggings for the female veterans.  The Chapter also conducted its very popular Bingo Games with the residents in the Psychiatric Ward.  This year’s Bingo Games may have been the best as the competition was steep and intense (smile)!  Overall, it truly was a fantastic event and a wonderful time was had by all.  The Chapter was also blessed to have a number of key officials in attendance.  Key officials attending this year’s visit included Past NNOA National President RADM (Ret) Sinclair Harris, USN, SES / CAPT (Ret) Al Curry, USN at the United States Coast Guard, Ms. Sara Fuentes, Vice President, Government Affairs – Transportation Institute and Mrs. Cheryl Gray Evans, Director, Federal Affairs, American Chemistry Council.
Chapter members were also pleased to meet and spend time with Mr. Robert Thompson, Sr. who is 101 years old and a World War II Veteran.  Mr. Thompson has the distinction of being one of the first African Americans to serve on an integrated United States Coast Guard vessel during World War II.  It was truly a pleasure meeting this true American hero (smile)!
The Chapter also extends a personal “Thank You” to Ms. Lynette Brady and Mr. Ted Chapman of the Washington, DC Veteran’s Hospital staff for their exceptional support in coordinating the Chapter’s visit.
Finally we would like to thank the Chapter members and our supporters for providing the gifts that allowed us to bring smiles of joy to the veterans at the Washington DC Veterans Hospital.  Your support over the many, many years have made our efforts worthwhile and we cannot “Thank You” enough for caring.  Note, this year Chapter members and friends provided over $5,000.00 worth of winter clothing in support of veterans at the DC Veterans Hospital.
In closing, we extend a “Hearty Thank You” to all our veterans and their families for their service to the nation.  “Happy Veterans Day” you earned it (smile)!
Members in attendance on Friday included:
RADM (Ret) Sinclair Harris, USN
SES / CAPT (Ret) Al Curry, USN
CAPT (Ret) Irish Curry, USN
Sara Fuentes
CAPT (Ret) Thomas Abernethy, USN
CAPT (Ret) Willie Evans, SC, USN
CAPT (Ret) Anthony Swain, USN
CAPT (Ret) Jerome D. Davis, SC, USN
CDR (Ret) Connie Greene, USN
CDR (Ret) Richard Borden, USN
CDR Elisha Sumbler, SC, USN
Cheryl Evans
Emory Evans
Kennetha Marbury
Michelle Lake
At the end of this page are a few photographs from the visit for your viewing pleasure.  Enjoy!
On Friday, October 20, 2023 longtime NNOA /DCNNOA member Captain Lloyd B. “Chilly” Mack, USN officially retired from the United States Navy during a ceremony at the Washington Navy Yard in Washington, DC.  Captain Mack a Naval Aviator is retiring after 30 years of service.  Captain Mack’s ceremony was officiated by Rear Admiral John V. Menoni, Acting Commander, Navy Installations Command.  Distinguished guest in attendance included Vice Admiral John V. Fuller, USN, Naval Inspector General, Rear Admiral (Retired) Dwight D. Shepherd, USN, and several members from the Senior Executive Service.  Captain Mack is a native of Pensacola, Florida and a 1993 graduate of Florida Agricultural and Mechanical (A&M) University with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Sciences.  He holds a Masters in National Security and Strategic Studies from the US Naval War College.  He received his Wings of Gold in March 1996 in San Antonio, Texas and orders to fly the E-6A in Tinker AB, Oklahoma.
Captain Mack’s sea assignments include: Division Officer and Mission Commander Evaluator, with the “Shadows” of Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron Four (VQ-4); Aircraft Launch and Recovery Officer (Shooter) aboard USS GEORGE WASHINGTON; Tactics Officer and Operations Officer, with the “Ironmen” of Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron Three (VQ-3) and Executive Officer and Commanding Officer of the “Blackjacks” of Tactical Air Control Squadron Twenty-One (VTC-21).  During these tours he participated in OPERATIONS IRAQI FREEDOM, ENDURING FREEDOM and VIGILANT RESOLVE.
Ashore Captain Mack served as an Operational Test Director for acquisition programs to the E-6B at Air Test and Evaluation Squadron ONE (VX-1) where he completed the highly successful OPEVAL of the Modified Miniature Receive Terminal and also served as Communications Officer and Information Systems Technician Division Officer.  As Commanding Officer, Naval Air Facility (NAF) Atsugi, Japan, he transitioned components of Carrier Air Wing FIVE to MCAS Iwakuni and oversaw requirements to successfully deploy the USS RONALD REAGAN Strike Group during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.  As the Director for the Commander’s Action Group and Sexual Assault and Prevention Response Officer, he provided guidance and leadership at Commander Navy Installations Command (CNIC) Headquarters to align with Navy priorities and principles to “Get Real, Get Better”.
Captain Mack’s personal decorations include the Legion of Merit (2 awards), the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (3 awards), the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (2 awards) and various other personal and unit awards.
Captain Mack was joined at the ceremony by his wife (Carletta), his sons (Solace, Bryce, and Braden-Stone), his Mother (Julia), sister (Brigida) and a host of other family members, friends and classmates from Florida A&M University. Fair Winds and Following Seas are forwarded to Captain Mack and his family from his friends and colleagues at NNOA / DCNNOA as they sail off to new horizons.  Best Wishes and Bravo Zulu for your outstanding service to the nation and the United States Navy!

At the end of this page are a few photographs from the ceremony for your viewing pleasure.  Enjoy!


Event Calendar


CAPT Tom Abernethy, USN (Ret.)
CDR Elisha Singleton, SC, USN
CAPT Jerome Davis, SC, USN (Ret.)
Ms. Michele Reed (Ret.)
  CAPT Washington Johnson, USN (Ret.)
Membership Dir:  
  LCDR Stephen Williams, USN (Ret.)
CAPT Willie Evans, SC, USN (Ret.)
  CW04 Diedra Ware-Padgett, USN (Ret.)
CDR Rich A. Borden, USN (Ret.)

Chapter Galleries

CDR Sumbler’s Retirement Ceremony at Joint Base Andrews O’Club

CAPT Miller Veteran Service Guest Speaker

DC Veteran’s Hospital Visit 2023

CAPT Mack’s Retirement