by | Mar 1, 2022 | Chaplain, News
“And if I perish, I perish.”- Esther 4:16
Queen Esther is one of the many women who sacrificed, spoke truth to power, and made a difference in the male-dominated world during biblical times. Her Uncle Mordica challenged Queen Esther to save her people when their lives were threatened by self-serving Hamen. Hamen wanted to lead the royal court and be revered by the King by any means necessary. However, he had one problem standing in his way, which was Mordica. The only way to get rid of Mordica was to get rid of all the Jews. Fortunately, Mordica finds out about a plan that Hamen had created to present to the King that called for the complete decimation of all Jews, including Queen Esther.
The closest person to the King is the Queen. So, Mordica goes to Queen Esther and asks her to speak to the King to save herself and her people. However, the Queen is not feeling this because it means she could very well lose her life speaking on such matters. After much coercing and prayerful thought, she agrees to talk with the King. She provides specific directions to Mordica, which she concludes, “and if I perish, I perish.” However, she did not perish. She saved her people. Hamen was held accountable for his egregious actions. She proves to be a woman of much strength and courage.
Women have made significant contributions to our history and our military. In honor of Women’s history month, I pray women continue to lead, speak truth to power, and mentor tomorrow’s leaders. We have the shoulders of giants to stand on, such as Rosa Parks, RADM Grace Murray Hopper, LTJG Harriet Ida Pickett, Ms. Olivia J. Hooker, LT Vivian McFadden, and Ms. Annie M. Grahams. Because of them, we have VADM Michelle Howard, Brigadier General Lorna Mahlock, RADM Lillian Fishburn, Vice President Kamala Harris, and many more. So let us stand firm and allow our voices and visions to be heard and seen.
Reverend Takana L. Jefferson, Chaplain, United States Navy
by | Feb 28, 2022 | Announcements, News
Description: Awarded to student(s) who are accepted or attending Marion Military Institute, and will attend an NPP-designated school after completion of required course work. NPP partners with educational institutions (i.e., Marion Military Institute) to support prospective NROTC Midshipmen in developing a strong mental and physical foundation to prepare them for success in the NROTC program. Marion Military Institute is the nation’s oldest military junior college.
Award: 2 scholarships – $7,500
Apply Online
Suspense Date: 30 April of the award year
Description: Awarded to HBCU affiliated College Program student(s) (non-scholarship NROTC student) pursuing STEM degree(s). The scholarship is in honor of RDML Mack Gaston who commanded three ships (2 destroyers and a cruiser), Defense Nuclear Agency, and Naval Training Center Great Lakes in his 31-year naval career.
Award: 1 scholarship – $1,000 (Tuskegee University) and 2 scholarships – $750 (all other HBCUs)
Apply Online
Suspense Date: 30 April of the award year
Description: Awarded to the enlisted sea service member(s) accepted or attending a Minority Serving Institution, and will pursue or are pursuing STEM degree(s). The scholarship is in honor of Dr. Olivia Hooker who became the first African American woman to serve in the U.S. Coast Guard when she enlisted in the Coast Guard’s Semper Paratus Always Ready (SPAR) program in 1945.
Award: 2 scholarships – $500
Apply Online
Suspense Date: 30 April of the award year
For questions, please contact NNOA Scholarship Committee at
Description: Award is in honor of VADM Samuel Gravely, Jr. who was the first African American to achieve flag rank in the U.S. Navy and to command a U.S. Numbered Fleet.
Award: One (1) per school per academic year – certificate and NJROTC service ribbon
Apply Online
Suspense Date: 1 February to 30 April of the award year
For questions, please contact NNOA Recruiting and Accessions Committee at
Description: Award recognizes HBCU NROTC/CSPI graduating, and soon to be commissioned, seniors who have demonstrated excellence in all areas of academic and military training.
Award: One (1) per unit or school or program (CSPI) per academic year – plaque and one (1) year NNOA membership
Apply Online
Suspense Date: 15 March of the award year
For questions, please contact NNOA Recruiting and Accessions Committee at
by | Feb 23, 2022 | Announcements, News
The National Naval Officers Association (NNOA) is inviting members and non-members to participate in a NNOA Logo Contest. The winning Artist will be awarded a Lifetime Membership and one 2022 Symposium registration to participate in all the events July 26-29 at our 50th Anniversary Symposium, in Annapolis, Maryland.
As we celebrate 50 years past and begin a new decade, our logo should represent NNOA’s objectives of diversity, equity, and inclusion in our sea services, and that we are “stronger together”. If you think that our current logo still represents.
The deadline to submit entries is March 5, 2022. Logo submissions will be posted online at March 7-15, 2022, for voting. The winning logo will be revealed on our Facebook page March 19, 2022.
- Work well both horizontally and vertically
- Look as good on a large banner as on a bookmark
- Capture the spirit of NNOA
- Include the name “NNOA” or “National Naval Officers Association” somewhere in the design
- Designs with two to five colors that also look good in black and white are ideal
- November 1 – Competition Launch / Registration opens
- March 5 – Deadline for submission Due by Midnight PST
- March 7-15 – eVoting at
- March 19 – Winner Announced
by | Feb 15, 2022 | News
Details, registration and past events.
by | Feb 15, 2022 | News
Thank you to Secretary Del Toro for an outstanding message for this year’s Black History Month. Click to view video.

by | Feb 14, 2022 | Announcements, News
Feb 16th 2022 from 1200 to 1330 EST
Join this virtual program with the National Museum of the United States Navy About this event Join David Bass, Headquarters, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, as he moderates a panel discussion with active duty sailors on issues of equity as it relates to being African American in
today’s Navy. The panel crosses generational lines and synthesizes a diverse cross-range of opinions from varying individual experiences.
This pre-recorded Facebook Premier program will be broadcast on the NMUSN Facebook page on the date and time indicated above. If anyone has any problems accessing the museum’s Facebook page, please send an email to