NNOA Scholarships & Recognitions Open
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Please circulate scholarship opportunities amongst your respective networks. To donate to any of the scholarships, please Click to Donate. Additional scholarship opportunities and resources can be found at NNOA’s Education, Scholarships, and College Enrollment Resources Section (https://nnoa.org/scholarships).
NNOA NROTC Preparatory Program (NPP) Scholarship
Description: Awarded to student(s) who are accepted or attending Marion Military Institute, and will attend an NPP-designated school after completion of required course work. NPP partners with educational institutions (i.e., Marion Military Institute) to support prospective NROTC Midshipmen in developing a strong mental and physical foundation to prepare them for success in the NROTC program. Marion Military Institute is the nation’s oldest military junior college.
Award: 2 scholarships – $7,500
Suspense Date: 30 April of the award year
NNOA RDML (Ret.) Mack Gaston, USN Scholarship
Description: Awarded to HBCU affiliated College Program student(s) (non-scholarship NROTC student) pursuing STEM degree(s). The scholarship is in honor of RDML Mack Gaston who commanded three ships (2 destroyers and a cruiser), Defense Nuclear Agency, and Naval Training Center Great Lakes in his 31-year naval career.
Award: 1 scholarship – $1,000 (Tuskegee University) and 2 scholarships – $750 (all other HBCUs)
Suspense Date: 30 April of the award year
NNOA Dr. Olivia Hooker STEM Scholarship
Description: Awarded to the enlisted sea service member(s) accepted or attending a Minority Serving Institution, and will pursue or are pursuing STEM degree(s). The scholarship is in honor of Dr. Olivia Hooker who became the first African American woman to serve in the U.S. Coast Guard when she enlisted in the Coast Guard’s Semper Paratus Always Ready (SPAR) program in 1945.
Award: 2 scholarships – $500
Suspense Date: 30 April of the award year
For questions, please contact NNOA Scholarship Committee at scholarships@nnoa.org.
NNOA VADM Samuel L. Gravely, Jr., USN (NJROTC) Award
Description: Award is in honor of VADM Samuel Gravely, Jr. who was the first African American to achieve flag rank in the U.S. Navy and to command a U.S. Numbered Fleet.
Award: One (1) per school per academic year – certificate and NJROTC service ribbon
Suspense Date: 1 February to 30 April of the award year
For questions, please contact NNOA Recruiting and Accessions Committee at nnoa.recruiting@gmail.com.
NNOA HBCU NROTC / CSPI Honor Graduate Award
Description: Award recognizes HBCU NROTC/CSPI graduating, and soon to be commissioned, seniors who have demonstrated excellence in all areas of academic and military training.
Award: One (1) per unit or school or program (CSPI) per academic year – plaque and one (1) year NNOA membership
Suspense Date: 15 March of the award year
For questions, please contact NNOA Recruiting and Accessions Committee at nnoa.recruiting@gmail.com.