Naming of the USS Doris Miller

Naming of the USS Doris Miller

RADM Sinclair Harris, Honorable B.J. Penn, Honorable Thomas Modly and RADM Julius Caesar stand by portrait of CVN-81.

African American enlisted soldier, Doris “Dorie” Miller, honored at naming of the USS Doris Miller.  

Watch video:

dorie Miller

Honorable Thomas Modly, Mrs Modly and Miller Family join Congress Woman Eddie Bernice-Johnson in a cake cutting to celebrate the naming of CVN-81

USS Doris Miller

RADM Sinclair Harris and CAPT Madelene Means CO NIOC Hawaii at celebration of MLK Day and CVN-81.

USS Doris Miller

Culinary Specialists join Admiral John Aquilino in celebration of MLK Day and CVN 81 naming. CS’s were especially proud as Petty Officer Dorie Miller was one of them.


NNOA Coast Guard Townhall Teleconference

NNOA Coast Guard Townhall Teleconference

NNOA Coast Guard members are invited to the CG Affiliate Townhall teleconference on Friday, January 10, 2020 at 1230 EST.

Host: CDR Commander K. Moore, USCG

We will give updates on CG NNOA Affiliate business and have CDR Lushan Hannah provide a presentation on Officer Evaluation Reports.

Download Information Flyer

Teleconference JOIN info:

(Zoom online may not be accessible on military installations)

Note* If you have the Zoom app downloaded on your personal phone, you can follow along using the following Link to the Zoom Meeting:

You can also call in to get the brief using the conference line and meeting ID.
Conference Call Line 646-558-8656 / Meeting ID 344 533 4581

Farewell Dr. Bundy, NNOA Lifetime Member

Farewell Dr. Bundy, NNOA Lifetime Member

Dr. BundyOn behalf of the National Naval Officer Association, we express our deepest sympathies regarding the passing of CDR (ret) Dr. William Bundy. His legacy extends beyond his successful 30-year Naval career to Associate Provost for Warfighting and Research of the Naval War College.

Dr. Bundy invested and mentored numerous military and nonmilitary personnel throughout his entire career. He was an advocate and lifetime member of Dr. Bundythe National Naval Officers Association as he believed in diversity and inclusivity within our sea services. His passion for people and their success will live on as he was the personification of the quote: “to leave the world better than you found it.” Our hearts go out to the Bundy family during this difficult time as we mourn with you.

Details for services are as follows:


Funeral Services:


Friday, 20 December
4:00pm – 8:00pm
Sansone Funeral Home
192 Wood Street
Bristol, RI 02809

Funeral Service

Saturday, 21 December
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
141 State Street
Bristol, RI 02809


Saturday, 21 December
Immediately following funeral service
Veteran’s Memorial Cemetery
301 S County Trail
Exeter, RI 02822


Click for More Details

A Note from Will Bundy Jr.

“Thank you for any effort you can make to participate in my father’s services.”

A Note from NNOA Historian

This message about the “Passing of our most Productive and Legendary NNOA Family Member, Dr. Will Bundy,” is most devastating, I have just opened up my e-mail after finishing my weekly radio show, “Old Skool Sunday with Dr. Rick Wright.” Life is so “precious,” I am now in “tears,” remembering, when I first met “Will,” in the 1980’s when I wrote a story about him in our NNOA Newsletter. William Bundy, Jr., “Stay Strong, we love you and your family so very much during this time of extreme lost!”

God Bless the Family!
Roosevelt “Rick” Wright, Jr., Ph.D., CAPT., USNR(ret)

NNOA Meridian November 2019

NNOA Meridian November 2019

In this issue:

  • NNOA helps navigate the course to developing future leaders in the Sea Services through mentoring, coaching and advocacy
  • President’s Message – NOW is NNOA’s time!
  • Board News
  • Spotlight on Leadership
  • NNOA Year of the Mustang
  • Strategic Vision
  • NNOA Insights
  • NNOA at NPS Monterey
  • NNOA Events
DCNNOA Conducts Annual Visit to Washington DC Veterans Hospital

DCNNOA Conducts Annual Visit to Washington DC Veterans Hospital

On Tuesday November 11, 2019 the Washington, DC Chapter of the National Naval Officers Association (DCNNOA) conducted its Annual Veterans Day visit to the Washington, DC Veterans Hospital.  Sixteen (16) Chapter members and friends spent the morning meeting, greeting and thanking numerous veterans receiving medical care at the hospital for their service to the nation.  The Chapter members also provided the veterans with numerous gifts that included socks, knit caps, gloves and leggings for the female veterans.  The veterans were also presented with “Thank You Cards” from the NJROTC students at Suitland High School in Suitland, Maryland.  The Chapter also conducted its very popular Bingo Games with the residents in the Psychiatric Ward.  This year’s Bingo Games may have been the best as the competition was steep and intense (smile)!  Overall, it truly was a fantastic event and a wonderful time was had by all.  The Chapter was also blessed to have a number of key officials in attendance.  Key officials attending this year’s visit included current NNOA National President RADM (Ret) Sinclair Harris, USN, former NNOA National President CAPT (Ret) Dr. Bernard Jackson, USN and former Director of Veteran Affairs for the District of Columbia and Attorney CDR (Ret) Kerwin Miller, USN.

The Chapter also extends a personal “Thank You” to Ms. Lynette Brady of the Washington, DC Veterans Hospital staff for her exceptional support in coordinating the Chapter’s visit.

Finally we would like to thank the Chapter members and our supporters for providing the gifts that allow us to bring smiles of joy to the veterans at the Washington DC Veterans Hospital.  Your support over the many, many years have made our efforts worthwhile and we cannot “Thank You” enough for caring.  Note, over the last ten years the Washington, DC Chapter of the National Naval Officers Association and its supporters has spent approximately $10,000.00 providing over 3,000 pairs of socks, 2,000 knit caps and 1,000 gloves in support of veterans at the DC Veterans Hospital.

In closing, we extend a “Hearty Thank You” to all our veterans and their families for their service to the nation.