Task Force One Navy

Task Force One Navy


Admiral Michael Gilday, Chief of Naval Operations (CNO), stated Mission One for every Sailor (active and reserve, officer and enlisted, uniformed and civilian) is the operational readiness of today’s Navy. Part of
that readiness, as members of the profession of arms, is holding ourselves to high ideals of integrity and service (Appendix A).

Our Sailors are our asymmetric advantage in a complex and changing environment. Optimizing our Navy Team’s performance requires a deep understanding of the Culture of Excellence (COE) – a Navy-wide approach focused on enhancing our Core Values of Honor, Courage and Commitment.


Podcast Episode 12:  LCDR Juanita Hopkins, USN

Podcast Episode 12: LCDR Juanita Hopkins, USN

In today’s episode of This is NNOA we are joined by LCDR Juanita Hopkins, USN. LCDR Hopkins talks about her early life in the navy coming out of college. As well she talks about the wonderful duty stations that she has served in while she was in the navy.
“This is NNOA” is a weekly discussion about the news, views, and perspectives from around the National Naval Officers Association. As well as a look into the United States Navy, United States Coast Guard, and the United States Marine Corps. Every week a guest joins This is NNOA’s host CAPT Roosevelt “Rick” Wright Jr Ph.D., USN (Ret) Audio Version: https://open.spotify.com/show/3s8pmKr​


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/nnoaorg​


Passed Over 3 Times, a Black Marine Colonel Is Being Promoted to General

Passed Over 3 Times, a Black Marine Colonel Is Being Promoted to General

WASHINGTON — The Marine Corps is promoting Col. Anthony Henderson, a combat-tested Iraq and Afghanistan veteran, to brigadier general, a move that cracks the doorway for the service to potentially promote an African-American to its most senior ranks.

The Marine Corps, which had passed over Colonel Henderson for four years, has placed him on a highly selective list of nine colonels to be granted a coveted one star that denotes general rank status — brigadier general. The list, which was signed by President Biden, arrived Wednesday evening at the Senate Armed Services Committee, to start the required confirmation process, according to the committee’s website.

Normally, such promotions would not garner much attention. But Colonel Henderson is a Black man with combat command experience in a service — the Marines — that has never, in its 245-year history, had a four-star officer who was not a white man. And even the one-, two- and three-star Marine Corps officer positions are predominantly white and male — particularly the ones in the combat specialties that feed the four-star ranks.

If Colonel Henderson is confirmed by the Senate, he will become the rare Black general with a shot of getting all the way to the top.

Making Waves: Women in the U.S. Navy—Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Making Waves: Women in the U.S. Navy—Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

08 March 2021

From Petty Officer 2nd Class Tristan Lotz, Subase New London

Women in today’s U.S. Navy proudly serve alongside their male counterparts, with great opportunity ahead of them and a wake of history and perseverance behind them.

GROTON, Conn. – Women in today’s U.S. Navy proudly serve alongside their male counterparts, with great opportunity ahead of them and a wake of history and perseverance behind them.

Women’s naval history officially starts in 1908 with the establishment of the Navy Nurse Corps. A contract nurse from the Spanish-American War named Esther Voorhees Hasson was appointed superintendent. Hasson was joined by 19 other women who together formed the “Sacred Twenty.” These women were the first to officially serve in the United States Navy.

The 20th century saw women make great strides in naval service. Manning issues in both World Wars compelled the Navy to open enlistment to women. The most famous example of this was the Women Appointed for Voluntary Emergency Services (WAVES), authorized by President Franklin D. Roosevelt with Public Law 689. The goal of the WAVES was to have women serving in shore positions so as to free up male service members for deployment in Europe or the Pacific.

March is Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month

Keeping the party going with a simple collage of all 8 Black Women that have commanded a U.S. Navy ship.
(Top L-R)
ADM Michelle Howard – SWO
CAPT Monica Stoker – SWO
CAPT Janice Smith – SWO
CAPT Janet Days – SWO
(Bottom L-R)
CDR Kelley Jones – SWO
CDR Kimberly Jones – SWO(N)
CDR Kathryn Wijnaldum – SWO(N)
CDR LaDonna Gee Simpson – SWO(N)