MOAA Military & Veteran Networking Forum & Hiring Event

MOAA Military & Veteran Networking Forum & Hiring Event


The Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) will host its fifth annual Military and Veteran Networking Forum this fall. We hope you and your organization will accept this invitation to participate and join us in helping currently serving military, veterans and military spouses identify meaningful and impactful civilian employment opportunities.

Below you will find additional information about the event and instructions on how to RSVP.

MOAA Military and Veteran Networking Forum

September 19, 2019 from 6:30 – 10 p.m.

Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, Washington D.C.


Concept: An evening of networking and professional development designed to provide those who have served, and their spouses, the opportunity to meet industry leaders, talent acquisition professionals, hiring managers, executives, and resource specialists.  

  • 700+ Veterans, Transitioning Service members, and Spouses
    • Majority of attendees are transitioning, midgrade and retired military officers exploring new career opportunities
  • Employers include top military-friendly companies and entrepreneurial opportunities
  • Welcome address by distinguished keynote speaker and panel discussions on “Which Business Sector is Right for You” and “Exploring Entrepreneurship
  • Unique opportunity to connect executives, mentors, and community leaders with talented military professionals entering the civilian workforce

Booth Fee: Complimentary. For partners and company invitees willing to complete a short interview and hiring survey after the event, there is no fee to participate*.  Registration includes:

  • Reception/networking style station with high-top skirted table, two tall stools and sign custom made by MOAA with your company name
  • Access to the event for up to four company representatives
  • Light hors d’oeuvres and beverages throughout the evening
  • Company description in the event program mobile app

This event is funded by The MOAA Foundation a (501(c)(3)) charity. We rely heavily on contributions from employers and individuals each year to make the forum possible. When deciding how much to donate, please consider a suggested contribution of $1,500 or more. Thank you for your continuing support!    


Brian D. Anderson
Colonel, U.S. Air Force (Ret)
Senior Director, Career Transition & Member Services
Military Officers Association of America (MOAA)

*If you or your organization would prefer not to complete the survey, you may opt-out during the registration process and will be charged a table fee of $1,995.

2019 Voting

VOTING OPENS: AUG 7, 2019 – 1200 PDT / 1500 EDT

VOTING ENDS:  AUG 8, 2019 – 1600 PDT / 1900 EDT

Problems accessing voting?  Contact or call (941) 341-9571.

National Montford Point Marine Association Convention


R 021857Z JUL 19
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. This MARADMIN announces the 2019 54th National Montford Point Marine Association (NMPMA), Incorporated Convention from 29-31 August 2019 at the Renaissance Charlotte Suites Hotel, 2800 Coliseum Centre Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina 28217. Lieutenant General Vincent R. Stewart (USMC, Ret.), former U.S. Cyber Command Deputy Commander, will be the guest speaker during the awards banquet on 30 August 2019.
2. The mission of the NMPMA is “to promote and preserve the strong bonds of friendship born from shared adversities and to devote ourselves to the furtherance of these accomplishments to ensure more peaceful times.”
3. CMC (MPE) will sponsor a limited number of conference/registration fees and all related travel expenses. Commanders are encouraged to authorize Temporary Additional Duty for Marines, civilian Marines, and Sailors who are attached to their units. Local travel is authorized for members in the local area. All Marine Corps funded participation must coordinate through the HQMC MRA Opportunity, Diversity, and Inclusion Branch (MPE). Reservations will be given on a first-come first-served basis. Rental cars are not authorized.
4. Marines not funded by MPE may register using their personal funds by accessing the Montford Point Marine Association website, or by contacting the convention director at or 504-202-8552. The registration fee is 525 dollars. Commanders are encouraged to authorize special liberty or leave for Marines to attend. Marines in a special liberty and/or leave status will be required to pay their own per diem, travel expenses, and registration fees.
5. Marines may contact the MPE POC to obtain conference reservations NLT 6 Aug 19.
6. The uniform of the day for Marines attending the conference is Service “C” with ribbons. The uniform for the awards banquet is Evening Dress Blue “B” or Service “A”.
7. NMPMA is a non-federal entity wholly independent of the Marine Corps. More information can be found on the NMPMA website at
8. This MARADMIN is applicable to the Marine Corps Total Force.
9. Release authorized by SES M. R. Strobl, Deputy Director, Manpower Plans and Policy Division.//

Change of Command Ceremony – Captain Nathan J. King, United States Navy

Change of Command Ceremony – Captain Nathan J. King, United States Navy

Mr. Christopher P. Arendt, Deputy Director, Military Accession Policy, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military Personnel Policy, requests the pleasure of your company at a Change of Command Ceremony at which Colonel Richard T. Brady, United States Marine Corps relinquishes command of Western Sector, United States Military Entrance Processing Command to Captain Nathan J. King, United States Navy on Friday, the nineteenth of July at eleven o’clock.

Building 3400, Auditorium
2834 Green Bay Road
North Chicago, Illinois

Reception to follow

Click to R.S.V.P. by 16 July 2019
POC: Rosalyn Roman
847-688-3680 Ext. 7858
Military: Uniform of the Day
Civilian: Informal

CDR Mainor’s Promotion Ceremony

Please see the link below for the invitation for longtime NNOA and DCNNOA member CDR Walter Mainor’s promotion ceremony to Navy Captain.  CDR Mainor’s ceremony will be held on Thursday, July 25, 2019 at 1300 in the Joint Staff Flag Room in the Pentagon, 2D855.  A reception will immediately follow the ceremony.  Here’s wishing Walt and his family a “Hearty Congratulations” on his selection to Captain.