by | May 6, 2021 | Chaplain
YOLO with Wisdom
“Whatever your hand finds to do, do with your might; for there is no work or thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol, to which you are going.” Ecclesiastes 9:10 NRSV
When one thinks of YOLO or You Only Live Once, it is often in the context of doing something or an action that is dangerous or may end one’s life quickly. In the context of this scripture, I am not referring to living life haphazardly because that means one would not use wisdom. What I am referring to is living your life with purpose, enjoyment, and wisdom. For it is in the balance of life that we become our true selves. The writer reminds us in verse ten, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do with your might; for there is no work or thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol to which you are going.”
The writer is not referring to finding something to do to keep busy but suggests whatever one can do—one should pursue. Whether that is starting your business, you always wanted to try, go back to school, earn the next level degree, or retire and travel the world. Whatever it is that you have set in your heart and mind to achieve, then as the Nike commercial says, “Just DO IT!” What are you waiting on because life is short and fleeting? Once we are in Sheol, known as the grave, there are no second chances, there are no do-overs, but while we have breath in our bodies, clothed in our right minds, and have the activity of our limbs, it is time to YOLO with wisdom.
It is time to find the purpose in the thing or idea that we always wanted to try but were too afraid. I have learned in this pandemic if I had not learned before that tomorrow is not promised nor the next second, and the air we breathe we have taken for granted. We do not know what will happen to us. So, the time that God has given us, we should use it wisely. Take this moment as a time of self-reflection and to see what changes “I can make to live a life of purpose with wisdom.” How can I make each moment on this earth matter in its brevity with the skills that God has so graciously given me? Finally, in the wisdom that we learn to live our lives to its fullest potential that is pleasing to God and in community with others. I end here as I say go in peace, purpose, and YOLO with wisdom.
Reverend Takana L. Jefferson, Chaplain, United States Navy
by | May 6, 2021 | Diversity
The Millington Chapter of NNOA is having a Mentorship Meeting led by NPC’s own, CDR Moran! She and a few other superstars will highlight opportunities available to bolster your record and excel in your respective community. Please be ready to ask questions!! We look forward to seeing you there and please, bring a friend! Meeting info is below:
Topic: NNOA Millington Chapter/Mentorship Meeting
Time: May 11, 2021 09:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 858 2295 2285
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by | Apr 27, 2021 | News
As a female warfighter, it’s critical to maintain your health, fitness, and wellbeing to optimize mission readiness. Some health concerns affect women differently than men, regardless of age or ethnicity. When women are aware of gender-specific health concerns, they can devise a plan to take better care of themselves. Female Sailors and Marines should take charge of their health, making their health a priority by adopting healthy living habits that include eating a well-balanced diet, being active, maintaining a healthy weight, managing stress, staying injury free, practicing safe sex, only drinking in moderation, being tobacco free, and getting a well woman exam each year.
Visit Women’s Health Resources
by | Apr 27, 2021 | Announcements, Memoriam
CDR Pickrum was an early NNOA member and supporter. He was the first USCG Academy grad to earn the “Navy Wings of Gold” and played a major roll in mentoring other aviators in and out of uniform. CDR Pikrum was one of the key supporters in bringing the Coast Guard to the table for NNOA.
Read Full Story
by | Apr 22, 2021 | News, Podcast
In today’s episode, VADM Manson Brown, USCG (Ret) joins “This is NNOA” to talk about his career in the US Coast Guard. Brown was a career member apart of the USCG and comes to the podcast with a wide-ranging amount of experience and stories from his career.
“This is NNOA” is a weekly discussion about the news, views, and perspectives from around the National Naval Officers Association. As well as a look into the United States Navy, United States Coast Guard, and the United States Marine Corps. Every week a guest joins This is NNOA’s host CAPT Roosevelt “Rick” Wright Jr Ph.D., USN (Ret)