by | Oct 25, 2020
May 31, 2020
Dear NNOA Shipmates,
Today, I want to reach out to you in light of the recent disheartening and deleterious events that have caused demonstrations and violence across our nation. I know some of you are asking yourselves, “Why should I serve a country that seems to have so little regard for me as a person of color.” I have received calls, emails, and texts from people of all ranks and ethnicities voicing their despondence and anger. “This is not the country that I swore to support and defend” are words I have heard from several, including white officers.
It is important for us to be frank about the circumstances that are the cause of this agitation:
• The killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and too many others at the hands of law enforcement officials and vigilantes.
• Disproportionate illness and death from COVID-19, highlighting a healthcare system that has failed to serve people of color equally.
• Systematic and institutional racism and sexism that keeps the highest ranks of our military from being as diverse as the majority of its members.
• Unfair treatment of people of color by our justice system.
• Economic inequality within our communities.
I am sure that many of you can add a number of other injustices to this list of grievances. You and I wonder, pray, meditate, “What must one do in the face of these events? How should we share our perspectives to make our institutions more just? How should we address these matters with some who don’t share our experiences and perspectives?” I don’t have a perfect answer for you, but I will share my opinion and hope that it serves to elicit positive action for constructive change. Now is the time for leaders to step forward with calmness, fortitude, and
wisdom in the face of anger and mistrust.
Speak up.
This is not a time for silence. This is our country and our Constitution, and it deserves leadership in the worst of times as it does in the best of times. If you are leading others, they need to know what you think and why you continue to serve with honor. They need to know that the Constitution to which we all have sworn allegiance still dictates our actions. And that now, as ever, we fight for our nation to live up to the words in the Constitution for each and every one of us. Frederick Douglass reminds us all, “No Struggle…No Progress”; Adam Clayton Powell
told us, “Keep the Faith Baby”; Mahalia Jackson sang, “Keep Your Hand to the Plow”; and Dr. Martin Luther King said, “The time is always right to do what is right.”
Stand up.
Our military continues to be a meritocracy, but it is not a perfect one. This is not new to us. Performance matters most and many feel that people of color, women, and others have to work harder to prove themselves able and be recognized for our work. Our predecessors felt the
same way and yet pressed forward. Remember Wesley Brown, Vice Admiral Sam Gravely, Harriet Pickens, Frances Wills, Dorie Miller, and the Golden 13. Remember Fred Branch, LtGen Frank Petersen, the Montford Point Marines. Remember CAPT Bobbie Wilks, Dr. Olivia
Hooker, and the lifesavers of Pea Island. Remember all these heroes and the many more who have stood the watch in spite of what was happening at the time. They fought in their day so we could continue the good fight in ours.
Build Trust.
In service to our nation, we entrust our lives to one another each and every day. As the foundation of our service is trust, we must be clear that injustice destroys these bonds of trust. At the same time, our actions must demonstrate that we uphold our most solemn responsibilities to our shipmates and the nation.
I thank you all for your service to our nation and the many sacrifices that you and your family have made for our country. Please let me know your thoughts, your opinions, and hear your voices.
Thank you and God bless.

Sinclair M Harris
Rear Admiral United States Navy (Retired)
President, National Naval Officers Association (NNOA)
by | Jun 1, 2020
Dear NNOA Shipmates,
I hope this note finds you and your families well. I don’t need to reiterate the difficulties of our current crisis across the planet as we are all getting a constant feed on traditional and social media. We have a senior living with us so we are being particularly cautious to follow the CDC guidance and I hope you are doing the same. Our nation and world will come out of this situation by each of us doing our part. I want to give a personal BRAVO ZULU to all on the front lines of this crisis in our medical community. You and your families are TRUE HEROES and we are all benefiting from your great courage in facing COVID-19.
I would also like to congratulate the NNOA Chapters who have taken advantage of our ZOOM capability to meet virtually. The Mighty Quantico Chapter and Coast Guard Headquarters are two great examples of the use of technology to overcome. Well Done Shipmates!
The NNOA Board of Directors and Leadership Advisory Panels have been consulted regarding how NNOA should proceed this year in response to the pandemic. As you know, restrictions and adjustments have been wide ranging across the US Government regarding travel, budgets, and participation in events. With this in mind and after checking with key leaders in the Sea Services, we have decided to take the following actions:
- Cancel the NNOA STEM event scheduled for 20 April 2020. We will look at scheduling a new event in the fall.
- Postpone the NNOA Inclusion and Diversity (I & D) Workshop scheduled for 27 May 2020. Even if the restrictions are lifted, we need to give the participants time to adjust their schedules following all the perturbations from the shutdown. It is clear that this will take some time as funds and other resources have had to be reassigned to deal with the current crisis. We are looking to reschedule this workshop for the fall. Please note that our annual awards will continue, and we want to get your input so that stays on track.
- Cancel the Annual NNOA Leadership & Career Development Symposium scheduled for 4-6 August 2020. This was the most difficult decision to make as it is our most important event. Similar to the I & D Workshop, the repercussion from the shutdown will take away resources and attention for much of the year. My discussions with leaders in the Sea Services alone has indicated that they would likely not be able to support this year and could not commit until they got to the other side of the crisis.
As a mitigation for this year, we are looking into an enhanced webinar in-lieu of our in-person symposium. I know this is a sub-optimal solution, but I think we all have become more adept at teleconferencing and we will make it work the best we can.
NNOA will shift the symposium rotation by scheduling our 2021 event in Portsmouth vice San Diego. Our Treasurer is in contact with the hotel to ensure there is no cost incurred by making this shift with the hotel. We are also contacting our corporate partners regarding this change.
I appreciate your ideas and thoughts on how to make the most of the situation. Please feel free to let me and the NNOA Board of Directors know your thoughts regarding our way forward.
Thank you all and continue to be safe!
Very respectfully,

Sinclair M Harris
Rear Admiral United States Navy (Retired)
President, National Naval Officers Association (NNOA)
by | Aug 6, 2019
Dear Shipmates of NNOA,
First and foremost, I thank you for your confidence in electing me as your president. NNOA has held a special place in my heart and mind since I joined in 1988 while attending the Naval Post Graduate School in Monterey, California. Membership and participation helped me throughout my career and I hope you have had a similar experience.
Please join me in sending a note of thanks to Commander (ret), Denise McCallaCreary for the phenomenal job she performed as our president. Commander McCallaCreary worked tirelessly to improve NNOA and to help us grow. I believe she was very successful in both and I hope to continue the momentum of her efforts and those of the other past presidents of NNOA. They are all champions in the drive to improve diversity in our Sea Services, Public Health Service (PHS), Maritime Administration (MARAD) and National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
As we saw during our 46th Symposium in Portsmouth VA, NNOA is on the move. The top leaders from the Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, MARAD, PHS, and NOAA all participated and have given their commitment to partner with NNOA in striving to improve the diversity of their officer corps and to be more inclusive. Our founders came out in force demonstrating pride in the organization and a tireless passion for our mission. Most importantly, there was tremendous participation across all ranks – from Secretary Penn to Midshipmen/Officer Candidates during the many professional development and mentoring sessions.
During my service to NNOA, I plan to leverage the four lines of effort that CDR McCallaCreary had for our organization:
1. Chapter Empowerment – NNOA working as one entity with strong and vibrant chapters meeting the needs of our members where they live and work.
2. Membership Growth – Each member of NNOA reaching out to their friends, colleagues, and shipmates to enhance their careers in the Sea Services, PHS, MARAD and NOAA.
3. Symposium 2019 – Leveraging a great symposium in 2018 and responding to our members’ demands to make it even better as we return to San Diego, August 7th & 8th, 2019.
4. Implementation of the Strategic Review – Prioritize, develop a roadmap, and adopt key recommendations from the Strategic Review.
These lines of effort will require the continued selfless support of all NNOA members – active duty, reserves, retired and our friends/sponsors. NNOA is strong and vibrant…we are making a difference together…and there is still much to do. FULL SPEED AHEAD NNOA!
Very respectfully,

Sinclair M Harris
Rear Admiral United States Navy (Retired)
President, National Naval Officers Association (NNOA)
by Patrick Evans | Sep 1, 2017
September 2017
Dear NNOA Members,
First of all, our prayers go out to the people of Texas and Louisiana impacted by Hurricane Harvey, which dumped record rains in the region. Additionally, our thoughts are with the members of the Sea Services and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) who are supporting recovery efforts.
Anyone can provide help before or during a crisis, and that is one of the main themes of Suicide Prevention Month, which is September. According to Defense Suicide Prevention Office, there were 266 suicides in the Active Component, 90 in the Reserve Component of the SELRES, and 123 in the National Guard Component of the SELRES Calendar year 2015 annual report. One suicide is too many. So, it’s important to understand that everyone can play a positive role in suicide prevention.
The Department of Defense devotes the entire month of September to promoting sustainable community-wide approaches to suicide prevention education and awareness. Supporting resources are available from the Navy Personnel Command, the Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center and the Coast Guard Office of Work-Life Programs. Suicide prevention is an all hands effort. We must do our part. Pay attention to your Shipmate. If you suspect something, say something. Better to be wrong than sorry.
In addition, I am in my final year of my term as your President. I want us to focus on five areas: Chapter Engagement, Membership growth, one dues initiative, Symposium 2018 and the successful completion of our Strategic review.
How can you help us? To our members at large, join a Chapter. We appreciate your dues but we need your talents. To our retirees, give us a few hours of your time. If you have not been asked, volunteer to be a Senior Advisor in your Chapter. Volunteer to serve on our 2018 Symposium Planning Committee. To our Senior Officers, NNOA will be as strong as your efforts to keep it strong and relevant. Touch Chapter Leadership if not regularly every now and then and let them know you are there to support. Reach out and touch our Junior Officers who feel they can make it without an organization like NNOA. Wisdom comes with age and we know better and must do better.
I look forward to all your support to continue to make NNOA the premier Seas Services Affinity Group today, tomorrow and into the future.
Yours in Service,

Denise J. McCallaCreary
Commander, United States Navy, Retired
by | Aug 8, 2017
August 2017
Dear NNOA Members,
Our position of Executive Vice President (EVP) is vacant on the Board of Directors. We need a volunteer. Following is the position description.
The Executive Vice President shall act as the President‘s representative on all matters referred to him or her. At the request of the President, shall preside over meetings of the General Assembly, the Board of Directors, Committees, and shall perform such other duties as are incident to the office. The EVP shall advise the President on matters of policy and procedures concerning the Association and its Chapters. The EVP shall assume the duties of thePresident in the event of absence, death, inability to serve or resignation.
Interested members, please send resume/bio to
Please complete the symposium survey sent via separate link (time extended). To date we had 238 registered attendees and we would like 100% participation in the survey.
Lastly, if you lost a cell phone at the Symposium, please e-mail with a description of the phone to claim it.
Yours in Service,

Denise J. McCallaCreary, CDR, USN, RET