This month we will honor all of those who fought the good fight of faith for their country on Memorial Day – May 2019
Welcome to the Chaplain’s Corner
May 2019
“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy 4:7
One of the last few words of Paul as he writes his letter to Timothy encouraging him to continue in the faith. Paul knows the end is near. He also understands that he did everything he was charged to do. Soon Paul will give up his life for his belief and his faith in Christ. He doesn’t want young Timothy to become discouraged and quit. He needs Timothy to carry the mantle of the gospel.
This month we will honor all of those who fought the good fight of faith for their country on Memorial Day. They gave the ultimate sacrifice of their lives for something greater than themselves. We, as military members, understand when we say, “I will support and defend the constitution of the United States of America against all enemies foreign and domestic,” we are in the same shoes as Timothy. Because there was “Paul” who set the stage and who paid the price, each of us must stay encouraged and be motivated to do the will of the one who sent us.
Let not the sacrifice of our ancestors be forgotten. Let us remember them and honor them with continuing the legacy and keeping the watch as we fight the good fight.
Reverend Takana L. Jefferson, Chaplain, United States Navy