Captain Harold R. (Bob) Wise

Captain Harold R. (Bob) Wise

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of former NNOA president, Captain Harold R. (Bob) Wise on November 20, 2022.

During his 30 plus year career in both active and reserve duty assignments, he served in several leadership positions including Commanding Officer, Auxiliary Floating Drydock Medium 104, Trenton, NJ;  Assistant Programs Officer, Naval Reserve Readiness Command Region Four, Philadelphia, PA.; Plans Officer, CINCEASTLANT 108, Atlanta, GA; Communications Officer, SACLANT Det. 205, Buffalo, NY; Director of Training, Naval Reserve Center, Buffalo, NY; Management Information and Retention Officer, Naval Reserve Readiness Command Region Eight, Jacksonville, FL.; Commanding Officer, Naval Reserve Voluntary Training Unit 0801, Atlanta, GA; Assistant Inspector General and Assistant Director of Plans for Readiness, Naval Reserve Readiness Command Region Eight, Jacksonville, FL.; Commanding Officer, Naval Reserve Readiness Unit “C”, Atlanta, GA; Director of Selected Reserve Training, Naval Reserve Readiness Center, Atlanta, GA; and Explosives Safety Inspector, Naval Ordnance Center, Indian Head Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC.

Captain Wise attended the Naval War College, served as a member of the Secretary of the Navy’s National Naval Reserve Policy Board for three years, served on the Naval Reserve Readiness Command Region Eight, Jacksonville, FL’s Reserve Policy Board for three years, completed the Reserve Components National Security Course presented by the National Defense University, attended the Armed Forces Staff College, attended the Naval War College War Gaming course and served on several Navy Reserve Officer line and staff selection boards.

Captain Wise was awarded the Navy Meritorious Service Medal, the Navy “E”, the National Defense Medal, the Vietnam Service Medal with two stars, the Armed Forces Reserve Medal with hourglass, the Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal, the Expert Rifle Medal, the Sharpshooter Pistol Ribbon, and Command Ashore Pin.

Captain Claude R. Williams

Captain Claude R. Williams

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of NNOA founding member, Captain Claude R. Williams. Dr. Claude R. Williams, Sr., 93, Orthodontist, Navy Captain, and Civil Rights Champion was born in Marshall, Texas in February 1929 died in Dallas, Texas. Williams was educated in the segregated schools of Marshall, Texas where he graduated from H.B. Pemberton High School. He attended Wiley College where he pledged Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity but transferred to and graduated from Howard University in Washington DC with a Bachelor’s Degree in Zoology, a Doctorate in Dental Surgery, and a Certificate in Orthodontics. Upon graduation, Dr. Williams joined the United States Naval Reserves and served on active duty in Bainbridge, Maryland. Dr. Williams became the First African American Dental Commanding Officer and the First African American Navy Dentist to achieve the rank of 0-6 (Captain).


Dr. Claude R. Williams Sr. Endowed Scholarship fund at Texas A&M University School of Dentistry

How to give to the Dr. Claude R. Williams Sr. Endowed Scholarship fund at Texas A&M University School of Dentistry. The scholarship is endowed to exist in perpetuity, and the funds are managed through the Texas A&M Foundation:


  1. Go to
  2. Click on the Give Now button.
  3. Where it says “Select a Unit or College” select: An Unlisted Account
  4. Where it says “Giving Account Name or Number” type: Dr. Claude R. Williams Scholarship – 23-076011
  5. Follow the rest of the instructions regarding donation, contact and payment information

By check:

Make check payable to: Texas A&M Foundation
In memo/notes section write: Dr. Williams Scholarship -23-076011
Mail check to: Texas A&M Foundation, 401 George Bush Drive, College Station, TX 77840

Happy Veteran’s Day 2022

Happy Veteran’s Day 2022

In the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in the year 1918, a temporary cessation of hostilities, between the Allied nations and Germany went into effect. This date, November 11, 1918, was at that time, regarded as the end of “the war to end all wars.”

Originally proclaimed as Armistice Day, Americans commemorated with celebration and a brief suspension of business beginning in 1919.  On October 8, 1954, President Eisenhower signed the first Veteran’s Day Proclamation, officially changing Armistice Day to “Veteran’s Day”

Regardless of the day of the week on which it falls, Veteran’s Day continues to be observed on November 11.  In doing so, this preserves the historical significance of this date and the important purpose of Veterans Day—a celebration honoring America’s military veterans for their service, patriotism, duty to country, and self-sacrificing for the common good of the nation and mankind.

It is with this in mind that the National Naval Officers Association

salutes all who have served this great nation.

Happy Veteran’s Day 2022!

The United States Marine Corps 247th Birthday

The United States Marine Corps 247th Birthday

Born in Tun Tavern, in Philadelphia, on 10 November 1775, two battalions of Marines were formed to be the soldiers of the sea, needed to protect what would become the United States of America.

For the next 247 years, the United States Marine Corps would distinguish itself as the foremost global fighting force, earning battle streamers from Montezuma to Tripoli to Belleau Wood and Iwo Jima, and from the Frozen Chosin to Hue City to Fallujah to Helmand Province and many other far off distant lands.

Whether Marines are striking fear in enemies worldwide or leading and aiding in humanitarian relief operations, Marines, with their warrior ethos, always stand ready to meet the nation’s security challenges head-on.

Marines— Leathernecks—Jarheads—Devil Dogs—Soldiers of the Sea, the National Naval Officers Association wishes our United States Marine Corps a Happy 247th Birthday.