Special Invitation
2022 USNA Alumni Leadership Forum
April 29-30, 2022, Alumni Hall, Annapolis, MD

Forum Theme: “Leading in a Diverse and Complex Environment”

Purpose: To provide a continuous learning experience in sharpening leadership skills. Encourage career development and camaraderie, in keeping with the highest traditions, of the naval service and to provide financial support to USNA Admissions Programs.

Events:  Break Out Sessions, Midshipmen, Junior Officer, & Flag Officer Discussions, Industry & Career Panel, Entertainment, Gala Dinner

Registration Link: https://signupnow.events/Default_Forum.aspx?OrgId=1047&eid=1073&OrgName=USNAALF

Spread the Word! All Alumni, Shipmates, & Guests are welcome!


Julius S. Caesar RADM USN (Ret.)

U.S. Naval Academy Minority Association, 501(c)3