Commitment to Excellence and the Fair Treatment of All

Commitment to Excellence and the Fair Treatment of All

By Lieutenant Commander R. Kamille Williams, U.S. Navy | September 19, 2022

“I am committed to excellence and the fair treatment of all.”

That is the last line of the Sailor’s Creed.

The word creed is from the Latin word credo which means “I believe.” The Sailor’s Creed is supposed to articulate what we believe as sailors. We are sailors first. We are not our racial, gender, or ethnic classification. We are sailors. Too many within the ranks hold onto their individual identities and tribes outside of the Navy. Even within the Navy, too many base their identity around their rating, community, and rank. There is not one cohesive sailor identity.


We cannot allow our egos to get so big that we think we always must be at the top of everything – September 2022

We cannot allow our egos to get so big that we think we always must be at the top of everything – September 2022

Luke 14: 11

11 For all who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

If you’ve ever been on a ship, then you may know there is a space called the wardroom, or the officer’s mess. In the wardroom, typically there is one long table in the middle. On larger ships there may be smaller tables around the outskirts of the room. Also, typically there is reserved seating for the Captain and Executive Officer. To my knowledge, beyond the captain and executive officer, there is no assigned seating at the table. But there may be some unspoken assigned seats.

My first ship was the USS HARPERS FERRY, an amphibious ship. It can hold around 900 Sailors and Marines; therefore, the Wardroom was a pretty good size. It had a long center table and four side tables and even a lounge area in the front that could hold about 20 people. I was a Lieutenant while serving on the USS HARPERS FERRY, so when I ate in the wardroom, typically I sat at one of the outer tables because I felt like I could relax and be more myself. But occasionally I sat at the long table. But there were some officers who ONLY sat at the long table. They would NEVER sit at the outer tables.

Some officers would enter the wardroom and then about-face out when the long table was full, even though the outer tables were available. The food is going to taste the same! On the other hand, I have seen officers enter the wardroom and begrudgingly sit at the long table, because the outer tables were full. This thing goes both ways.

In Luke 7, Jesus was invited to dinner at the house of a religious leader. Some other prominent guests were there, as well. When they all began to sit down Jesus noticed how they all tried to sit in the places of honor. He then tells them a parable encouraging them not to take the place of honor lest they be humiliated by being asked to move so that someone else can sit there. Instead, they should sit in the lowest place so that they can be called up and honored in front of everyone. He ends the parable stating, “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”

Jesus is trying to teach them humility. We cannot allow our egos to get so big that we think we always must be at the top of everything. It is not wrong to get awards and acknowledgments. But your motive should not be about recognition and prominence. Do things with unselfish motives and let the recognition be the byproduct.

Chaplain Kamille Williams

Inspiration and Excellence Webinar featuring CMDCM Samira McBride

Dear Friends and Fellow Learning Leaders,

Boy, are you in for a TREAT!  Our next guest mentor is the first woman to ever be awarded the “Master Chief Petty Officer Navy Delbert D Black Leadership Award,” also known as the “CMC of the year Award,” the one and only CMDCM Samira McBride!

A native of Chad, Africa, Samira is the Command Master Chief (CMC) for Afloat Training Group, Norfolk and was the CMC for USS Gonzalez (DDG-66).

CMC McBride’s personal story is astonishing and motivational, but what’s more is her mere presence—the way she lives and leads is an inspiration.  Come listen and learn!

WHEN:  Friday 9 Sept, 16:00 – 17:00 EST

TOPIC:  “Inspiration and excellence” Why should we strive to serve at the highest levels—at the command or executive level—of our organizations?  What inspires leaders today to excellence at the top?

READ AHEAD / PREP:  Read this article published about Samira here.

LINK to REGISTER here   After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

WHAT: Lean On Navy is a webinar style professional development circle focused on connection.  I’ll moderate the introduction of our guest speaker. We’ll then break into small 10 minute “break out” rooms, and we’ll end discussing as a group.  It’s an hour to invest in our own professional development and in each other as we connect and learn from one another.

***Please forward widely, to fellow women leaders you want to welcome to a Professional Development (PRODEV) learning circle. Primary focus is women leaders in the Navy or Marine Corps or somehow “connected” to the US Navy or USMC.  Men interested in contributing to the conversation, curious to learn from a “women in the workplace” perspective are welcome (and ENCOURAGED!) to join!**

***This is informal—show up from home or from work, in your PT gear, or in your uniform. Have a cup of coffee or a glass of wine! My only request is that this be the ONLY thing you are doing for this hour.  If this time ends up being no good for you, no problem, I record them!  Just watch the link, or catch the next one! The best GIFT you can give us is your attention. And, it’s the best gift you’ll receive, when someone in your circle LISTENS to you. That’s the real secret sauce of these circles.

Explore the website to check out the library of all past sessions here:

Lean On, Friends!

Supply Corps Internship Programs Fall 2022

Flash from the 49th Chief of Supply Corps
Supply Corps Internship Programs Fall 2022

Supply Corps internship programs provide junior officers with the exceptional opportunity to gain experience in Supply Corps™ principal competencies, explore functional sub-specialties, and engage with seniors, peers, subordinates, mission partners, and suppliers. These internship programs provide Supply Corps officers with knowledge and understanding of our systems, processes, and their interconnectivity, and ultimately ensure the expeditious delivery of services and material solutions to the warfighter.

I encourage you to consider applying for the following internship programs: Business Enterprise Supply Chain Management (BEM), Business Financial Management (BFM), Integrated Logistics Support (ILS), Navy Acquisition Contracting Officer (NACO), Operational Logistics Planning (PLAN), and Petroleum Management (POL). Additional information, including a sample application, is available on the MyNavyHR website. Endorsed applications are due no later than 30 September 2022. Submissions must be sent as a PDF, without Social Security Numbers, to Applicants will receive a confirmation email upon receipt.

Warfare qualified officers (O1-O3) with a Projected Rotation Date (PRD) between October 2022 and October 2023, who either have or will have completed one operational tour are eligible. Officers in the paygrade of O3 will be considered if participation will not affect their opportunity to start or complete their second operational tour before zoning for promotion to O4. Application inquiries should be directed to the Internship Program Coordinator via email ( or by phone (901-874-4273, DSN 882).
Officers submitting an application agree to complete a 24-month internship and remain on active duty for an additional tour of at least 12 months.

I highly encourage you to contact your mentors to discuss their unique perspectives regarding these opportunities.