Supply Corps Internship Programs Fall 2022
Flash from the 49th Chief of Supply Corps
Supply Corps Internship Programs Fall 2022
Supply Corps internship programs provide junior officers with the exceptional opportunity to gain experience in Supply Corps™ principal competencies, explore functional sub-specialties, and engage with seniors, peers, subordinates, mission partners, and suppliers. These internship programs provide Supply Corps officers with knowledge and understanding of our systems, processes, and their interconnectivity, and ultimately ensure the expeditious delivery of services and material solutions to the warfighter.
I encourage you to consider applying for the following internship programs: Business Enterprise Supply Chain Management (BEM), Business Financial Management (BFM), Integrated Logistics Support (ILS), Navy Acquisition Contracting Officer (NACO), Operational Logistics Planning (PLAN), and Petroleum Management (POL). Additional information, including a sample application, is available on the MyNavyHR website. Endorsed applications are due no later than 30 September 2022. Submissions must be sent as a PDF, without Social Security Numbers, to supplycorpscareercounselor@
Warfare qualified officers (O1-O3) with a Projected Rotation Date (PRD) between October 2022 and October 2023, who either have or will have completed one operational tour are eligible. Officers in the paygrade of O3 will be considered if participation will not affect their opportunity to start or complete their second operational tour before zoning for promotion to O4. Application inquiries should be directed to the Internship Program Coordinator via email (supplycorpscareercounselor@
Officers submitting an application agree to complete a 24-month internship and remain on active duty for an additional tour of at least 12 months.
I highly encourage you to contact your mentors to discuss their unique perspectives regarding these opportunities.

Scholarship Information

Pass the Word! 8th Annual Gravely Celebration Experience Essay Contest
Pass the Word! 8th Annual Gravely Celebration Experience Essay Contest is in progress. Eligible high school students are invited to participate in an essay contest where winners receive scholarships that range from $250 to $500.
Deadline is April 16, 2021
Go to www.gravelyexperience.org or essaycontest@labattleship.com for information.