Happy Holidays! – Dec 2022

Happy Holidays! – Dec 2022

Hebrews 11:1 (King James Version)

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

The holiday season is upon us, and I have already overplayed the Temptations’ infamous gospel version of Silent Night!

I have always loved this time of the year! Like most, my love for the season started during childhood. I remember the Christmas I got my Nintendo NES™ and my Barbie™ Rock Cafe. But more than the gifts, I LOVED the family gatherings at my grandparents’ house where everyone would come! My Family gatherings are exactly like those portrayed in the hilarious #ThanksgivingWithBlackFamilies on Twitter™!

As the years have passed, family gatherings have changed, especially in light of COVID. My parents’ house has now become the gathering place as the former generation are now gone. While there is a new generation gathering at the table, the absence of those who have gone on to glory is still felt. I swore off sweet potato pie for years after my grandmother died because no one could make it like her. But we honor the memory of our ancestors and still know they are with us as we look at each other. Their blood runs in our veins and we look like them. Plus, some of the secret recipes are still in the family.

Being active duty, I cannot make it home to every family gathering and that saddens me at times. But my understanding of family has evolved. Family is not limited to the biological. My family has actually increased. I may not always get to go home for the holidays, but I never have to be alone because I have a global family that will take care of me thanks to the military. These are the things that give me comfort and hope.

The holidays mean different things to everyone and can trigger a host of emotions. However, I pray one of those emotions is faith. This holiday season, I pray that you will have the faith to believe that good days are ahead. You do not have to wait until the New Year to make a resolution. Resolve now to have faith that even if things are not the way you want them to be, at the right time, the path forward will be revealed and your circumstances will change. Remember, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Have faith!

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays! – Dec 2022

Uncancelled – Nov 2022

We are very quick to cancel people. Even celebrities that died long ago are not safe. Cancel culture is nothing new. There is a story about a man named Zacchaeus who lived in a Palestinian city called Jericho around 30 C.E. Zacchaeus was a wealthy tax collector; the chief tax collector to be exact. The citizens perceived tax collectors as greedy, collaborators with the Roman government. Therefore, by Zacchaeus being a tax collector, he was helping to oppress his own people. He was a traitor, a literal sell-out! Therefore, the community cancelled him. Ironically, in Greek, Zacchaeus means “pure.”

Even though Zacchaeus had become very wealthy and wielded much power, he was still unfulfilled. He needed his community. One day, an influential religious leader came to town and served as a mediator between Zacchaeus and the community. He reminded both parties that Zacchaeus is still part of the family, regardless of what he had done.[1] As a result, Zacchaeus repented of his ways and offered to repair the wrong he had done to his people. The process of reconciliation had begun.

Being human is complicated. We all have the potential for great good and evil. At some point, we will all be the villain in somebody’s story, especially if you are in leadership. If we keep cancelling people at this present rate, who can stand? Instead cancelling people, we should be working on reconciliation. We can lovingly hold our family members accountable for their errors in judgement without excommunicating them. Afterall, does cancellation really help or does it create deeper resentments?

We will all be villains in somebody’s story; deservingly and undeservingly. I suggest when it comes to cancel culture, we treat others the way we want to be treated rather than how we think they should be treated.[2] Afterall, you could be next on the chopping block.

[1] Luke 19:9

[2] Matthew 7:12

Happy Holidays! – Dec 2022

One Body – Oct 2022

1 Corinthians 12:25-26

(New King James Version)

25 that there should be no schism in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another. 26 And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it.

I am guilty of what I am about to discuss.

At this past symposium, every time we took pictures, we could not just take a single service picture. We continued to divide ourselves into groups to take more photos: Divine Nine, HBCU, Athletes, Senior Officers, Baptist, Buddhist, Nation of Islam, etc. As of the writing of this article, plastered across the top of my Facebook page is a picture of my Spelman sisters and me. In the midst of the multiple photo sessions, I suddenly realized we have multiple affinity groups within an affinity group.

Where does it stop?

I started to get convicted about this as the days went on and, to be honest, it got ridiculous to me after a while. I noticed how some people did not fit into any of the myriad of groups we continued to break ourselves into and we started excluding each other. It made me wonder in what ways do we practice marginalization even within an organization that makes us feel marginalized?

I understand the history of the various organizations we represent and why they were created. They are institutions of empowerment for marginalized people. I understand why we need to celebrate and be proud of the Afro-Asian-Latina/o-Indigenous diaspora and all its components.

I know we are not a monolithic group. We are as diverse as any other group of people, which is what makes the world so rich, but we must be careful not to perpetuate the same unconscious bias and cronyism that has been used to justify discrimination.

We are all members of the Sea Services regardless of race, gender, faith, sexual orientation, or whatever way one chooses to be defined.

NNOA’s stated mission is:

To enhance Sea Service operational readiness by supporting recruiting, professional development, and retention in an effort to achieve a diverse officer corps that reflects the demographics of our Nation

The first line under our Guiding Principles states:

We are:

  • A professional organization comprised of active duty, reserve, retired officers, and civilians that seek diversity and inclusive membership

If we truly want to embody diversity and inclusion then I truly believe we must be a unified, equitable body.

I am not saying it is wrong to celebrate the things that make us who we are. We can celebrate the internal diversity that we have. It is needed. We can be proud of the many cultures and institutions that helped shape us into who we are today. But it cannot be to the exclusion of others.  All must feel like valued members of the body. All parts of the body are necessary, and one is not greater than the other.

When we are together as NNOA, we need to focus on being one body.

Just something to think about.

Commitment to Excellence and the Fair Treatment of All

Commitment to Excellence and the Fair Treatment of All

By Lieutenant Commander R. Kamille Williams, U.S. Navy | September 19, 2022

“I am committed to excellence and the fair treatment of all.”

That is the last line of the Sailor’s Creed.

The word creed is from the Latin word credo which means “I believe.” The Sailor’s Creed is supposed to articulate what we believe as sailors. We are sailors first. We are not our racial, gender, or ethnic classification. We are sailors. Too many within the ranks hold onto their individual identities and tribes outside of the Navy. Even within the Navy, too many base their identity around their rating, community, and rank. There is not one cohesive sailor identity.


Happy Holidays! – Dec 2022

We cannot allow our egos to get so big that we think we always must be at the top of everything – September 2022

Luke 14: 11

11 For all who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

If you’ve ever been on a ship, then you may know there is a space called the wardroom, or the officer’s mess. In the wardroom, typically there is one long table in the middle. On larger ships there may be smaller tables around the outskirts of the room. Also, typically there is reserved seating for the Captain and Executive Officer. To my knowledge, beyond the captain and executive officer, there is no assigned seating at the table. But there may be some unspoken assigned seats.

My first ship was the USS HARPERS FERRY, an amphibious ship. It can hold around 900 Sailors and Marines; therefore, the Wardroom was a pretty good size. It had a long center table and four side tables and even a lounge area in the front that could hold about 20 people. I was a Lieutenant while serving on the USS HARPERS FERRY, so when I ate in the wardroom, typically I sat at one of the outer tables because I felt like I could relax and be more myself. But occasionally I sat at the long table. But there were some officers who ONLY sat at the long table. They would NEVER sit at the outer tables.

Some officers would enter the wardroom and then about-face out when the long table was full, even though the outer tables were available. The food is going to taste the same! On the other hand, I have seen officers enter the wardroom and begrudgingly sit at the long table, because the outer tables were full. This thing goes both ways.

In Luke 7, Jesus was invited to dinner at the house of a religious leader. Some other prominent guests were there, as well. When they all began to sit down Jesus noticed how they all tried to sit in the places of honor. He then tells them a parable encouraging them not to take the place of honor lest they be humiliated by being asked to move so that someone else can sit there. Instead, they should sit in the lowest place so that they can be called up and honored in front of everyone. He ends the parable stating, “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”

Jesus is trying to teach them humility. We cannot allow our egos to get so big that we think we always must be at the top of everything. It is not wrong to get awards and acknowledgments. But your motive should not be about recognition and prominence. Do things with unselfish motives and let the recognition be the byproduct.

Chaplain Kamille Williams



Proverbs 18:21 (English Standard Version)

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.”

Parents and guardians have the crucial responsibility of being the first prophets in the lives of children, especially in this age of social media where there are influences coming from every direction. Building a child up must start at home. What are we prophesying over our children? Are we building them up or are we tearing them down? Are we speaking life or death over our children? Parents must be the first ones to speak positive words of affirmation over their children or else they will go out into the world seeking validation from people who may not have their best interests at heart.

We casually say, “Have a blessed day.”  But I wonder if we grasp the importance of what it means to bless someone. Blessings were important in the Bible. In the Bible it is common for the parents to speak blessings over their children. The greatest patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob all blessed their children. “To be blessed” meant ‘to be favored by God’…Thus to express a blessing is like bestowing a wish on someone that they will experience the favor of God.”[1] So when you tell someone to have a blessed day, you are really telling them that you want them to experience the favor of God during their day.

In the Bible, when parents bless their children, they are speaking God’s favor over their lives. These blessings chart the course for their children’s lives. These parents knew what world they were sending their children into. They knew the world could be rough and is filled with many negative influences. Therefore, parents made sure that they had the greatest influence over their children. Their children knew who they were, who they were descended from, and who they were destined to be so that they could lead successful lives.

But not only were these parents speaking God’s favor over these children, they were instilling a warrior mentality in them as well as holding them accountable for their actions. One of the most prominent blessings is in Genesis 49 when Jacob blessed his 12 sons:

“All these were the twelve tribes of Israel, and this is what their father said to them when he blessed them, giving each the blessing appropriate to him.”[2]

Jacob was very specific to each son giving each a custom blessing. And each son went on to fulfill the destiny spoken over them by their father.

There are hurting people out there who need someone to prophesy good things over them. Your words could change the entire direction of someone’s life. Speak life today. Prophesy over someone. You never know, God could be using you to change the entire trajectory of someone else’s life.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blessing

[2] Genesis 49:28