Notice: Funeral service for Retired USCG Commander Al Bernard, CDR Al Bernard (ret.).
CDR Bernard was a Coast Guard cutterman, exceptional leader, and active mentor who retired in 2000. I recall him for his exceptional professionalism and magnetic personality.
CDR Bernard passed away before the New Year. His funeral is next week at Arlington National Cemetery where he will be buried.
Chris Soto reported that “Al was my uncle, a mentor, and the biggest influence on me to join the service. Al didn’t want many people to know he was sick, including our family, until he was near the end. Despite his stubborn-ness, I am sure Al (looking down) would love to have colleagues and friends present.”
I’m confident that Al’s wife, Ann, would appreciate it as well.
Here are the details:
When: January, 31st @ 9am
Where: Arlington National Cemetery
(Arrive at the Administration Building at the Cemetery before 9 and instructions will be given from there)
Best Regards,
Manson K. Brown