Pioneer Betty Reid Soskin Visits U. S. Coast Guard Base Alameda
In honor of Pearl Harbor/World War II remembrance, Betty Reid Soskin spoke to members of the sea services at U. S. Coast Guard Base Alameda in California, Dec. 6.
At 96, Soskin is the nation’s oldest Park Ranger and a pioneer in the war effort, working as a secretary for a then-segregated ship building union in 1942. Also she was instrumental in the creation of the Rosie the Riveter World War II Homefront National Historic Park in Richmond, California.
The San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of NNOA, along with other officer associations on USCG Base Alameda, including the Association of Naval Services Officers (ANSO), the Chief Warrant Officers Association (CWOA), the Coast Guard Officers Association (CGOA), the Surface Navy Officers, and the Women’s Leadership Initiative sponsored Soskin.
“Her message of persevering and removing obstacles as it related to her work in the Kaiser Shipyards resonated here in the Coast Guard in 2017,” said San Francisco Bay Area chapter secretary LCDR Fredrick Pugh.
Click here to find out more about the chapter.