NNOA Shipmates,
Just wanted to share a wonderful note I received from Victor Glover. He said it was okay to share it and I thought it a heartwarming message for the holidays.
“It seems like I was just on the International Space Station sending a Christmas note to all of you. As much as I enjoyed that experience and trying to share it with you, I am very happy to be home for the holidays this year. I hope this season finds you surrounded by love and light-heartedness. However, I know this time of year is harder for some. I pray for peace and stillness for all of us, and especially those that are struggling. Above all, I want thank you and let you know how much I appreciate you. Your love and friendship are lifelong gifts!
I just finished reading Michael Collins’ book, Carrying the Fire. In the book he quotes T.S. Eliot’s poem, Little Gidding, (one of several) about perspective. I had to go read the whole poem, but his quote is still my favorite part. Enjoy and be well….
“With the drawing of this Love and the voice of this Calling
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.”
To Explore, Together!
Victor Glover