
What do I get from being an NNOA member?

I was initially exposed to NNOA in 1993, as a Coast Guard Academy cadet.  I had never seen so many minority officers in one setting, and I was amazed by the positive atmosphere. As I reflect on my first NNOA experience, guidance and mentorship I received in that one week felt like I was a young girl sitting at the feet of a elder listening to a wise tale. That experience helped me to navigate the next few years of my cadet life.  The network of contacts I received helped shape my first few years as a Junior Officer.

 I have since transitioned from active duty to the select reserve and I have steadily promoted throughout the years; always staying connected to the NNOA.  This year, I decided to become a lifetime member. I keep some of the most valuable lessons from the organization in the forefront of my mind and I pass them along to anyone that will listen…As a minority officer, you cannot be afraid to pursue your dreams and when an opportunity presents itself, don’t let yourself stand in your own way.  Take it. Stretch yourself and do your very best. In the end, you will be surprised how much you’ve grown and the opportunities you have opened up for future minority officers, irregardless of status.  But if you stay in your comfort zone, you’ll never live up to your full potential.

CDR Michelle R. Watson, USCG Reservist