Patriot Day

Patriot Day

Patriot Day

The National Naval Officers Association joins the nation in commemorating Patriot Day. As proclaimed by President Trump, “we honor the nearly 3,000 innocent lives taken from us on September 11, 2001, and all of those who so nobly aided their fellow citizens in America’s time of need. We rededicate ourselves to the ideals that define our country and unite us as one, as we commemorate all the heroes who lost their lives saving others.”

Also watch the inspiring call to action from Hillary O’Neill, one of 13,000 children born on September 11, 2001.


September is Suicide Prevention Month

September is Suicide Prevention Month. According to Defense Suicide Prevention Office, there were 266 suicides in the Active Component, 90 in the Reserve Component of the SELRES, and 123 in the National Guard Component of the SELRES Calendar year 2015 annual report. One suicide is too many. So, it’s important to understand that everyone can play a positive role in suicide prevention

The Department of Defense devotes the entire month of September to promoting sustainable community-wide approaches to suicide prevention education and awareness.
 The Sea Services participate as well. Supporting resources are available from the Navy Personnel Command, the Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center and the Coast Guard Office of Work-Life Programs. Suicide prevention is an all hands effort. We all can do our part.

Women’s Equality Day

NNOA Commemorates Women’s Equality Day

The National Naval Officers Association joins the Department of Defense and the Nation in celebrating Women’s Equality Day, which commemorates the struggle of women to gain the right to vote.

Women’s Equality Day is observed Aug. 26 and commemorates the 1920 passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, which gave women the right to vote. The observance has grown to include focusing attention on women’s continued efforts toward gaining full equality. It was officially established by Joint Resolution of Congress in 1971. The Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute provides observance support products.

We salute the remarkable advances of women in government, military service and virtually all aspects of American life that inspire generations of youth to elevate their service to our Nation.