March 2017
Dear Members,
We are moving…
- Registration portal for Symposium 2017 is now open. Register now to get the early bird rate. Rates go up after July 10. Book your lodging now to secure your room.
- Would you like to sponsor a JO to attend the Symposium? The career development of junior officers is very important to NNOA. We would like to remove any obstacle that would hinder a young officer from attending the Symposium. Donations in any amount are being accepted to help defray Symposium cost. Click here to donate today. Any amount welcome.
- Symposium dates are Tuesday, July 25 to Thursday, July 27. Tuesday July 25 is a travel day. Symposium Opening Ceremony will begin 0800, July 26th. Symposium ends July 27th. Please plan accordingly.
- Do you have a business? Do you have friends with businesses? Consider advertising in our Limited-Edition Symposium 2017 Souvenir Book. Start making a list of all the businesses you know. More details coming soon.
- We are looking for NNOA Retirees to volunteer to supplement our Symposium working Team. Interested volunteers e-mail western_region@nnoa.org.
- Know a Junior Officer who is not a member of NNOA? We want you to bring at least one new Junior Officer to your Chapter Meeting in April. Stay tuned for details on our Membership Drive Focus Month. Membership is open to all officers active, retired, reserve or civilian equivalent in the sea services.
- Mentoring and coaching are important in assisting officers integrating into and navigating a military career. NNOA encourages all mid-grade and senior officers to become a mentor to a junior officer. If you would like to be a mentor through the NNOA career development program, please contact Captain (RET) Mary E. McAdams at scsu76@gmail.com or 334-201-6002. You will be matched with a junior officer in your community and provided tools to assist in the process of mentoring a young officer.
- When was the last time you visited the NNOA website? Visit now and see all the new updates under Veterans Corner dropdown, Resources dropdown, new stories in Featured News and Archives. A highlight in the Resources dropdown is the “Reading Room.” You can submit your own interesting Chapter or General news events. Submit via the website.
- Service Academies Committee (Coast Guard, Merchant Marine, and Naval Academies) is looking for volunteers to serve as Service Academy admissions process volunteers (i.e., USCGA – Admissions Partner/Admissions Minority Outreach Team, USMMA – Admissions Field Representative, USNA – Blue and Gold Officer) – available to all active duty, reserve duty, and civilian personnel. Interested members should e-mail the Navy Affiliate, CDR Mike Files at Navy-rep@nnoa.org.
- Interested in recruiting and retaining Sea Services Officers? We need a Chair for our Recruiting Committee. If you are an active or retired Officer (04 and above) please consider serving. Email Secretary@nnoa.org.
- In Membership processing, the period of regular membership for each member will be one year from the date that member submits his or her payment.
- NNOA members can now submit Death notifications via our website. In Memoriam.
- Treasurer’s Report is available. Members Only – NNOA Information.
- Membership Report is available. Members Only – NNOA Information.
- Finally, do you have questions or comments? Do you have a career question? Can you use a prayer or some inspiration from our Chaplain? Communicate with your BoD. We are working for you!
Your BoD in service