Featured News
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Rear Admiral Annie Andrews, USN (Ret) retires from the Federal Aviation Administration
Annie B. Andrews Assistant Administrator for Human Resource Management Annie B. Andrews is the Assistant Administrator for Human Resource Management at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). With a mission: "We take care of the people who make it safe to fly," the...
Black History Month Message from the President’s Desk
February is the month we celebrate Black History. The 2022 Black History Month celebration theme is "Black Health and Wellness." As we take the time to focus on our health and wellness, I would like to share a poem that I feel sums up this month. It was written by my...
When we practice this love, what do we lose? – FEB 2022
“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.”- 1 Peter 4:8 Peter is reminding his audience of the importance of unity, connectedness, and most of all, love. Philos love is friendship and family love. A love that reminds us that we...
Year of the Captains & Colonels: Kertreck V. Brooks, USN
Message to NNOA President & Members: My personal work ethic comes from my parents, two of the hardest working people I know. I had my first job in 6th grade delivering my hometown newspaper after school. During my freshman year of high school, I started working in...
Brigadier General Charles McGee, Tuskegee Airman, dies at 102
BETHESDA, Md. (7News DC) – Iconic Tuskegee Airman and Brigadier General Charles E. McGee passed away Sunday at the age of 102. In a statement, McGee's family said the general died peacefully in his sleep Sunday morning. The Bethesda native was the oldest living...
NNOA New England Chapter Ceremony
Join us for the NNOA New England Chapter Chartering Ceremony Date: January 12, 2022 Time: 1300 Access: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/174365757 EVENT PROGRAM ITINERARY 1300 Commence Ceremony 1305 Invocation By Chaplain Kimberly Cain 1310 LTJG Jacob Brown...
Gen. David H. Berger, commandant of the Marine Corps, had Ryan Evans over for a discussion on the service he leads. As rising great powers and transformative technologies reshape warfare, presenting marines with new challenges, how should the Marine Corps adapt? From...
NOAA Corps and National Naval Officers Association renew commitment to develop a diverse and inclusive workforce
The NOAA Commissioned Officer Corps (NOAA Corps) and the National Naval Officers Association (NNOA) have renewed their agreement to work together to develop a diverse and inclusive workforce dedicated to the science and service of our nation. Through a Memorandum of...
A Holiday Message from Commander Victor Glover
NNOA Shipmates, Just wanted to share a wonderful note I received from Victor Glover. He said it was okay to share it and I thought it a heartwarming message for the holidays. "It seems like I was just on the International Space Station sending a Christmas note to all...
Organization of Black Maritime Graduates
The Organization of Black Maritime Graduates (OBMG) is asking you to assist us in supporting under-represented cadets and students enrolled at SUNY Maritime College. The OBMG’s goal is to provide opportunities for young professionals to succeed in the maritime...
Let us know your news and we’ll announce it. In-Memoriam, retirements, promotions, chapter events…
National Naval Officers Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 10871
Alexandria, VA 22310-0871
The information throughout the NNOA site, contained in newsfeeds, links or posts, is presented as a public service. NNOA takes no responsibility for services rendered. The information is provided for informational purposes only and does not represent a specific recommendation.
© 2019 National Naval Officers Association