Happy New Year NNOA Members,
- We are pleased to announce that both our Senior Advisory Panel and newly established Junior Advisory Panel are formed and met for the first time this month. Leading the Senior Advisory Panel is RADM Sinclair Harris, USN, Retired. Leading the Junior Advisory Panel is LT Fred Pugh, USCG.
- Interested in recruiting and retaining Sea Services Officers? We need a Chair for our Recruiting Committee. If you are an active or retired Officer (04 and above) please consider serving. Email Secretary@nnoa.org.
- Do you have a business? Do you have friends with businesses? Consider advertising in our Limited Edition Conference 2017 Souvenir Book. Start making a list of all the businesses you know. More details coming soon.
- We are looking for NNOA Retirees to volunteer to supplement our Conference working Team. Interested volunteers e-mail western_region@nnoa.org.
- In Membership processing, the period of regular membership for each member will be one year from the date that member submits his or her payment.
- NNOA members can now submit Death notifications via our website. In Memoriam.
- The 2015-2016 Treasurer’s Report is available. Members Only – NNOA Information.
- The 2016 Membership Report is available. Members Only – NNOA Information.
- Where will you be July 25-27, 2017? San Diego? Conference planning is underway. You can make your Conference lodging reservation now. Go to www.nnoa.org and follow the prompts. Remember, our goal for this year. Each member should bring two Junior Officers with them to this year’s Conference.
- Video Telephone Symposium (VTC) capability available. If you would like to conduct NNOA meetings from home, consider using our VTC. For information and training, contact out IT Chair, Captain Mike Francis, USN, RET, at e-mail:mdfran@bellsouth.net.
- Finally, do you have general operation questions or comments? Do you have a career question? Can you use a prayer or some inspiration from our Chaplain? Communicate with your BoD. We are working for you!
Your BoD in service,

Denise J. McCallaCreary, CDR, USN, RET