Dear NNOA Members,
More news and updates……
The NNOA membership made the following changes to our by-laws at our 2016 annual conference. You can read the amendments in their entirety on our website: NNOA.org
- Added sexual orientation as a trait that NNOA will not use to deny membership. Currently, the only traits that the NNOA Articles of Incorporation list that cannot be used to deny membership into NNOA are race, creed, color, sex, religion and national origin.
- The Articles of Incorporation were modified to allow voting for BoD nominees during the week of the Conference and not just during the dates of the Conference. Currently the Articles of Incorporation only allow for voting for BOD nominees during the dates of the Conference.
- Replaced terms Public Affairs Officer and Judge Advocate General with the terms Public Relations Officer and Legal Advisor, respectively.
- In Membership processing, the period of regular membership for each member will be one year from the date that member submits his or her payment.
- Know of a job opening that would benefit our members transitioning or already transitioned? You can post job openings to our website. (set up a link here so they can click n go straight to our page for this)
- Know of a death in our NNOA family? Please let us all know by submitting the death notice via our website for posting in our new Memorial section. (same as above)
- Treasurer’s report and membership report now posted for your viewing pleasure.
- Where will you be July 25-27, 2017? San Diego? Conference planning is all ahead full. You can make your Conference lodging reservation now. Go to www.nnoa.org and follow the prompts.
- Video Telephone Conference (VTC) capability available. If you would like to conduct NNOA meetings from home, consider using our VTC. For information and training, contact out IT Chair, Captain Mike Francis, USN, RET, at e-mail: mdfran@bellsouth.net.
- Finally, do you have general operation questions or comments? Do you have a career question? Can you use a prayer or some inspiration from our Chaplain? Communicate with your BoD. We are working for you!
Your BoD in service,
Denise J. McCallaCreary, CDR, USN, RET