Annual Youth Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics (STEM) Day
Date: Wednesday, August 8,2018
Time: 0800 – 1500
Location: U.S. Coast Guard Base Portsmouth, 4000 Coast Guard Blvd, Portsmouth, VA
Details: Visit interactive static displays associated with:
- USCG, USMC, USN Aircraft
- Coast Guard Cutter Tours
- Engineering
- Communications Electronics
- Navigation
- UAS / Drones
- Robotics
- Cyber Security
- Law Enforcement Technology
- Modeling & Simulation (Ops Research) demonstration
Trained personnel will be present to discuss the significance of each exhibit and answer your questions.
The series of displays will include a Coast Guard Cutter, Small Boat, and Helicopter demonstration.
Lunch: Lunch will be provided or students may bring their own lunch.
Scholarship: One rising 12th grade student will receive a $500 scholarship – MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN.