NNOA Scholarship Program
RDML Mack Gaston, USN Scholarship Application
Eligibility Criteria
- Must be a College Program student (non-scholarship NROTC student). May remain in the program until the beginning of their junior year as they compete for NROTC 2- or 3- year scholarships.
**To qualify for scholarship, applicant must apply for NROTC 2- or 3- year scholarship**
- Attend a Historically Black College and University (HBCU).
- Actively seeking a commission in the U.S. Marine Corps or U.S. Navy.
- Must pursue STEM degree.
- Letter of Recommendation from unit’s Professor of Naval Science.
Selection Considerations
- Academic Record/Transcript with GPA
- Extracurricular Activities
- Community/Volunteer Service
- Quality of essay
Essay Questions (Choose 1 to answer):
- How does diversity affect leadership?
- Describe a challenge or obstacle you overcame.
Application Packet Elements
The application packet is designed to collect academic and personal background information for the scholarship review committee. Responses to the application questions will be a factor in the selection process. All questions and essay must be answered as complete and honest as possible. Incomplete application forms/packets will NOT be considered.
- The application essay will contain 500-1,000 words, and be single spaced typed with 12 pitch Courier New or Times New Roman font.
- College transcript(s) must be submitted with the completed scholarship application.
- Complete application packet MUST be received by 30 April of award year. Materials emailed after suspense date will NOT be considered.
**Scholarship award will be sent directly to Recipient **
For questions, please contact NNOA Scholarship Committee at scholarships@nnoa.org or nnoa.treas@gmail.com.