Welcome to the Chaplain’s Corner
September 2019
“God will carry you through the storm.” Isaiah 43:2
The above scripture is the same one I referred to this time last year as it pertained to the damage we had experienced from the hurricane. Here we are again, a year later, and the scripture still applies. Hurricane Dorian has decimated the Bahama islands and is on its way to the eastern coastline. While all calamity is upon us and knocking at our front door, we still know that God will carry us through the storm.
Life is a continuous journey and numerous storms will enter our life, either metaphorically or literally. Often, we do not want to experience the storm due to the inconvenience and the loss that accompanies the storm known as the aftermath. However, even in the aftermath a rainbow of hope, faith and love can be found. The reassurance in knowing no matter what life throws at us, no matter the difficulties or the opposition that precedes us, we are not alone as God is there to carry us through. I lift those up who have experienced the literal storm (Bahama Islands and pending eastern Carolina coast) as well as those who are dealing with life’s personal storms. May the peace and grace of God be with you now and forever. Amen.
Reverend Takana L. Jefferson, Chaplain, United States Navy