President’s Message

Cedric E. Pringle
Rear Admiral United States Navy (Retired)
President, National Naval Officers Association (NNOA)
President’s Message July 30, 2022
Greetings NNOA! I am honored and humbled to serve as your 25th President. The goal of my first message is simply to say thank you and congratulations to each of you. As our week of celebrating, communicating, commemorating, and reinvigorating proved, we’ve established a solid foundation on which to continue building on our 50-year legacy of inspiring excellence. A special “thank you” also goes to former President, RADM Sinclair Harris, and his Board of Directors for keeping us on track for unprecedented success.
NNOA’s imperative to make a difference has been clear since being founded in 1972 and we will stay on our journey while expanding partnerships with like-minded organizations. Our dedication to mentoring, coaching, and advocating for a stronger and more diverse officer corps in the Sea Services remains the same and it’s our collective responsibility to seek innovative ways to get better.
Lastly, I look forward to seeing familiar faces and meeting new leaders during my upcoming travels to local chapters. I will periodically communicate any changes to guidance, as needed, but as for now, maintain course and increase speed as we forge into the future. We remain stronger together, so let’s get to back to work!
Let us know your news and we’ll announce it. In-Memoriam, retirements, promotions, chapter events…
National Naval Officers Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 10871
Alexandria, VA 22310-0871
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© 2019 National Naval Officers Association