President’s Message

Cedric E. Pringle
Rear Admiral United States Navy (Retired)
President, National Naval Officers Association (NNOA)
President Message Nov 2018

Sinclair M Harris
Rear Admiral United States Navy (Retired)
President, National Naval Officers Association (NNOA)
Honored Shipmates of NNOA,
A wise diplomat told me that there were three things you can never say enough – Congratulations, Thank You and I’m Sorry. This certainly fits for my first entry in the MERIDIAN.
Congratulations to the entire NNOA family of shipmates – active duty, reserve, retired, military families and civilians. Our organization continues to grow in numbers and impact in support of our mission. I have to give a special Bravo Zulu to the United States Coast Guard for its strong support and full engagement with NNOA. If NNOA can achieve and nurture a similar relationship with the other Sea Services, MARAD, NOAA and PHS there is no end to what can be achieved to improve diversity and inclusion. Please think about how we can make this happen at every chapter and organization.
Thank you to the members of the board for NNOA. The professionalism, passion and drive that I have seen from all the leaders both national and chapter level has been truly inspiring. I know each has many obligations and demands on their time, but our leadership team continue to drive hard to advance NNOA’s impact. I could not be prouder to serve as your president.
I am sorry that we don’t have a way to capture all the wonderful advancements, promotions, achievements and good news that is happening with our members. I hope that each of you that dabble in social media, will help by sharing your stories with us in FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. Let us use the power of social media to set a more positive tone in our nation and enlighten many of the opportunities for service that are available in our Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Public Health Service (PHS), Maritime Administration (MARAD) and National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
As you meet in your chapters and with other like-minded professionals, I ask you to keep our shared vision and lines of effort in mind. Consider how your activities and conversations can enhance the NNOA’s ability to become a premier mentoring and professional development organization. Let me, the board and your chapter leadership know your thoughts on each of the lines of effort listed below:
1. Chapter Empowerment – NNOA working as one entity with strong and vibrant chapters meeting the needs of our members where they live and work.
2. Membership Growth – Each member of NNOA reaching out to their friends, colleagues, and shipmates to enhance their careers in the Sea Services, PHS, MARAD and NOAA.
3. Symposium 2019 – Leveraging a great symposium in 2018 and responding to our members’ demands to make it even better as we return to San Diego, August 7th & 8th, 2019.
4. Implementation of the Strategic Review – Prioritize, develop a roadmap, and adopt key recommendations from the Strategic Review. CAPT (Retired) Tom Abernethy, the DC Chapter President, is at the helm of implementing the Strategic Review.
Please keep in touch and let us know your thoughts about this edition of the MERIDIAN and how we can take NNOA to the next level. FULL SPEED AHEAD NNOA!
Very respectfully,
SM Harris
RADM Sinclair M Harris, USN (Ret’d)
President, National Naval Officers Association (NNOA)
Let us know your news and we’ll announce it. In-Memoriam, retirements, promotions, chapter events…
National Naval Officers Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 10871
Alexandria, VA 22310-0871
The information throughout the NNOA site, contained in newsfeeds, links or posts, is presented as a public service. NNOA takes no responsibility for services rendered. The information is provided for informational purposes only and does not represent a specific recommendation.
© 2019 National Naval Officers Association