Welcome to the Chaplain’s Corner

February 2017

Greetings NNOA Family,

Welcome to the fabulous month of February!

We have so much to continue being thankful for because of God’s divine presence and Grace.  We often hear this phase “to whom much is given, much is indeed required.” It is taken out of the Gospel of Luke, between two rather important parables.  I love the parables because they teach us truths we can apply to daily living.  Here is a truth for any measure of success we hope to accomplish in life.  When we are blessed with talents, wealth, knowledge, time and energy there is an expectation that we use these things to benefit others.   God ask that we remain faithful over the task our hands are called to do.  We have all been given a specific task to complete while here on this Earth.  Trust God and yourself to find out what your specific task are and get busy sharing with others.  This is why I enjoy being a part of NNOA; it is invigorating for me sharing my talents, time and energy to a worthy mission which espouses our core beliefs of “Honor, Courage and Commitment.”  I am thankful for the rich heritage and diversity we share within the ranks today because of sea service members who paved the way.  This month we honor and celebrate African-American history.  Members of NNOA have  led the charge in breaking down barriers and opening doors which had been historically closed.  We are honored by the sacrifices of those who have gone before us and upon whose shoulders we now stand.  I invite you to get actively involved in your local chapters giving of your sacred talents, time and energy.  We are “Called” to continue the important work of building bridges which support the coalition of diversity within the sea services.  NNOA has its eye focused upon the future while simultaneously honoring our past.  May we always be faithful stewards over what God has entrusted our hands to do.

Rev. Kimberly Cain