Welcome to the Chaplain’s Corner

January, Happy 2017!

It is our custom to make New Year’s Resolutions at the beginning of another year.  I use the end of the year to evaluate my life thru the lens of relationship.  Generally we carry over unresolved matters of the heart year in and year out hoping for a divine miracle.  We live in a world where being a part of community is vital to every day life.  Ubuntu is a Nguni Bantu term roughly translating to “human Kindness.” It is an idea from the Msusa noted that in Africa we say “I am because we are.”  Theologian Howard Thurman wrote, “There are two questions that we have to ask ourselves. The first is “Where Am I going?” and the second is “Who is going with me?”  If you ever get these questions in the wrong order, you are in trouble.” As the new year begins we also need to ask ourselves these powerful questions-“Where are we going? And  Who is going with us?”, while being  brave enough to resist answering from a place of fear.

A new chapter is about to begin! Are you excited about what lies ahead? Or are you still reeling in the aftershock of things left undone, unsaid in the past?  New ideas, people and places  await  on this magnificent journey.  I invite you to trade in your New Year’s Resolutions for Yearly Aspirations – feel the difference?  An Aspiration is a “calling” which requires inspiration, a hope, desire or dream. Giving birth to a dream requires radical transformation which is an inside out job.  Authentic transformation begins in the heart and mind with our thoughts. Thought lead to action, action lead to behavior and behavior if left unchecked becomes a habit.  Our yearly habit is to create New Year’s Resolutions that by month’s end are not sustained because we are not inspired towards permanent change.

Finally, I encourage you to seek healing and restoration for unforgiveness due to offense.  As a Pastor, I’ve personally experienced offense and sadly have harbored unforgiveness because of deep wounds of betrayal.  Let this not be said among such great fellowship and love.  Forgiveness is a choice, you can either withhold the power of forgiveness or chose to release it.  True forgiveness is a life work which releases you from a psychological prison and restores the path towards freedom.  Living trapped by offense and unforgiveness drains you of life’s sweetness and the goodness of God.  “The ultimate proof of total forgiveness takes place when we sincerely petition the Father to let those who have hurt us off the hook and even ask God to bless them.”— R.T. Kendall

Prayer Thread:  Dear God,  please release past offense experienced in 2016 and even prior years.  I desire total healing and your sweet peace, so that I may be in right fellowship within my community.  God please forgive me as I forgive others. Empower me to walk in freedom thru forgiveness in 2017. and beyond. AMEN!

Chaplain Kimberly Cain